How one servlet will interact with other servlet. What are the different ways on same tomcat and other tomcat.
How will you deal with the memory leak.
Explain HTTP request and what are the methods.
How will you debug HTTP request.
How will you improve the performance of the product.
You have a 10000 user session on a ServerA. That particular ServerA fails. You have to transfer them
to another serverB without disturbing them(Answer can be LoadBalancing\Benchmarking\Single Sign on\Sticky Session)
When you interact with the ProductManagement team.
Connection pool. : How will you increase the size of the connection pool.
What happens once max size of the pool is reached. Now suppose 5 threads are waiting
How it will serve them on first come first basis when connection become available.
Memory leak in java how will you debug.
Struts : whether u can pool the action class.
How u do unit testing in your project based on flow level and method level
How to do deployment in weblogic
What are the design patterns that you have used in your projects
What are the design patterns that struts uses.
Following are the questions asked that yahoo asked me
what is contract in HashTable
How will u implement your own hashTable.
When u will use statement and when prepared statement.when statement is beneficial over prepared statement and why.
Large file having large lines. They cann't be loaded in memory. How will u remove the duplicate line.
how will you implement the object-pool. If you have initialized the pool for 8 objects How will you
implement when 9th object is needed.
what is the internal implementation of HashMap.
Factory Design Pattern
When you will use comparable and when the comparator.
Whether you can store object in the HashMap Key. How then it will be used. Whether it will be compiled.
ECI Telecom:-
How u will upload\download a document from JSP.
How you will implement HTTPS
Certificate in HTTPS.
What is the common component in client and server in HTTPS.
How you will use cookies. When you will use cookies.
How u handle session
How do u do UT(unit testing)
How do you debug
when you will use jsp over struts.
which authentication mechanism
which validation mechanism
When you will use javascript and when server side validation
Consona Software
Binary Search tree
Suppose you have a string "John Charles Bag"
it should be reversed as "nhoJ selrahC gab" Write code
How will you design traffic crossing System
How will you improve the performance of SQL
How project life cycle is handled in your organisation
small company
How to implement single sign on
How you add user roles to the user.
Transaction in DFC
login tickets in DCTM
What is assignment and policy in Documentum.
What is dmr_content. Where it is stored.
what are the num of Session Manager per session
whether there is Referential integrity in the docbase
How one can improve the performance of DCTM at the client place.
code for BOF
single Sign on in DCTM
how to handle transactions in DFC
how to handle WorkFlow. Some code and some concepts
how to do login in wdk
what are the two ways of doing login
How to do Transaction in DFC;
How to handle single Sign on in DCTM. what login tickets in DCTM;
what are the num of Session Manager per session; it is one Session Manager per session.
whether there is Referential integrity in the docbase; probably referential integrity is there (need to be confirmed.need help.)
How one can improve the performance of DCTM at the client place.(LightWeightSysObject implementation; but interviewer are looking for something else in term of
Administration configuration as DCTM is already in the production they can't change to LightWeightSysObject. Look at dfc.properteis they have several entries for
caching and pooling)
code for BOF
how to handle transactions in DFC.We have transaction APIs in documentum. I will do it.
how to handle WorkFlow. Some code and some concepts
how to do login in wdk
what are the two ways of doing login(one way I know.For second way is silent login)
silent login:-; login ticket
sessionManager = client.newSessionManager();
IDfLoginInfo loginInfo = clientX.getLoginInfo();
client.authenticate(sServerId, loginInfo);
sessionManager.setIdentity(sServerId, loginInfo);
if (sessionManager != null) {
session = sessionManager.getSession(sServerId);
LOG.debug("session=" + session);
Advanced search in wdk
customisation in wdk
Design Pattern:
Front controlller design pattern
How will you make the thread execute in the sequence. use join.
Singleton can be serialized. Then it will be two objects. How will you stop it.
Suppose there are two classes A and B. If A is calling B's method and B is down. Now A need to keep on retrying, How will you do that?
find the duplicates with in the particular column. There is no primary key on the table.
Write stored procedure and sort the column which is having the last name. and return the first value. for mysql use top.
Expain the Join. What are the types of Join you have. Explain them using table structure. Give practical example.
1. What is program and Delivery mgmt
2. Your participation from very begining to end
3. Challenges
4. Conflict resolutions
5. Estimation technique ( Function Point)
6. Domain knowledge
7. general mgmt skills
8. Metrics mgmt
9. Reporting
10. PMP areas
11. People mgmt
What is scrum in the Agile.
What is the DDL and DML
What is the function to replace null values.
How will you design high volume Application. Whether it will be asynchronous or synchronous? How many DB server and Application server will be needed to handle multiple transaction? How connection pool are configured on the load balancing environment?
How do you manage session fail over?
How you manage high availability Application? Throw some light on hardware also.
Suppose any Client has 100 applications But now he want to deploy in one enterprise application. How will you do it.
Which application to be merged, whom are to be enhanced and whom need to be retired?
TOGAF certification
what is the difference between JDK 1.6 and JDK 1.7?
high volume transactions, cache, and persistence
high volume transactions, cache, and persistence